Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Forty-Six Years!

Our rings still look pretty good, because we haven't worn them often. We've kept them tucked away because of the risk of degloving a finger, plus not wanting to damage them when working. We can put them on, but getting them off again is a challenge.



John in Philly said...


We will celebrate our forty second anniversary in August.

I didn't wear my ring much until I retired because of the risks.

Glypto Dropem said...

I bashed my ring finger causing significant swelling. It took some doing and lots of lube after the initial swelling went down, but I got my ring off. I now sport a "Thin Red Line" silicone ring, and put my gold one in the safe.

Joel (@Stranded Tree) said...

Congratulations, David and Susan.
Time flies when you're having fun, eh?

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Joel, Like a rocket sled!