Monday, January 7, 2008

Cutting a Lodged Tree

Trees often lodge in other trees, and it is good to know how to deal with them. We had a dead black oak in our woods that blew over into another tree, so we worked on taking it down for this new video. The Mrs. served as official photographer, and we made three cuts before we gave up. One more cut on this tree would probably have made the top fall back on me, so we quit while we were ahead. We may go back with a come-along to pull the butt end out at a later date. We made firewood out of the pieces we took out of this tree, and nobody got hurt, so it was a good afternoon. Note that we are using the open face and bore cuts to make a hinge in order to control the folding down of the tree. The video shows the first two cuts; the third one was more of the same. Be sure to examine the still shot of the cross section at the end of the video. I wish all of my stumps looked this good.

UPDATE!!!! For a faster, easier method, watch this video.  Dope out the tree and work on the safe side.  Step back as soon as the tree moves and move away so you don't get hit with flying debris.

And...Even more long, lodged tree goodness in this vid!

Just be sure to figue out which way the top is going to roll when it finally falls so you can be out of the way.

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