Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Real Cost Of Bio-Fuels

This scene is occurring all over farm country as farmers gear up to cash in on the high corn and bean prices caused by the bio-fuels rush. The folks who complain about our dependence on fossil fuels never get around to showing us the areas around the world that use wood for the primary energy source in daily life. In the Third World subsistence cultures, the typical day is spent carrying water, gathering food, and gathering firewood for cooking. Forests around these communities are constantly being scavenged for wood, and no real timber is ever produced. Coal, oil, and natural gas have allowed America to let forests grow, but the eco-alarmists haven't been able to connect the dots and figure this out. The Third World is knocking on our door, and if we don't get smart about energy soon, we will all be squatting around cooking fires and living in mud huts.

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