Friday, May 2, 2008

Crankin' It Up

Henry Burr was a prolific artist in the early days of recorded music, and there are many discs in our record cabinet with his name. When My Baby Smiles is a very pleasant little love song by Irving Berlin, and I think you will enjoy it.

(Irving Berlin, 1919)
I don't care if the weather's fair or if skies are gray,
I don't frown when the rain comes down on a rainy day;
It may storm and thunder for the longest while
Still I'll say it's a lovely day,
When I see my baby smile.

I don't brood when the price of food goes away up high,
Didn't mind when I woke to find, that the town went dry;
Let the skies be cloudy for the longest while
Blue or gray, everythings O.K.
When I see my baby smile.

When my baby smiles at me
Oh what a beautiful day
All my troubles go hurrying by
Just like bubbles they fly to the sky,
And I never ask the weather man
Whether it's fair or warmer
Rain or shine the weather's fine when my baby smiles.

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