Monday, June 9, 2008

Itchy, Brother?

This has happened to you if you spend any time outdoors. You wake up in the middle of the night to scratch an itch, and there is a tiny little something that shouldn't be there. You get up to take a look, and sure enough, you have a tick that has dug in for a meal. If it is a full size dog tick, it is not too hard to grab and pull out, but how do you remove deer ticks and seed ticks? I have been using these two products for several years, and I don't go anywhere without them. The stainless steel tool is a Pro Tick Remedy, and it works very well for all but the smallest seed ticks. You slip the V-notch around the tick's head and gently pry it out of you skin.
The Tick Twister comes with two claw hammer-like pullers that can extract a tick just as you would pull a nail, but the directions recommend that you rotate the tick to pull it, and I have found that this method works very well. The little Tick Twister has pulled every small tick I have found in the middle of the night.

Now for the diabolical revenge part of tick pulling. Some people like to cut the ticks to kill them, and some like to burn them, but I prefer to fold a piece of tape over them so they can ponder the error of their ways. I hope they get to think about it for a long time.

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