Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 News

These photos made the E-Mail circuit recently, and this was a remarkable event. It occurred in Baghdad on July 4th of this year, and it was the largest re-enlistment ceremony in the history of our military. It was not reported by our news media.
Seven years after we were attacked on 9/11 by Islamic terrorists, our miltary heroes are still taking the fight to the enemy, and our country has not been hit again. Go over on the right sidebar and look at what is happening in the rest of the world. Terror attacks since 9/11/01 are now up to nearly 12,000, or about five per day; but not one on our shores. The men and women who wear the uniform are true heroes, and we must never forget the sacrifices they make in our behalf.
Never forgive, never forget what the terrorists have done. If you need a reminder, go here.

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