Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chestnuts, Chestnuts

The drought last year gave us our first chestnut crop failure since our trees started producing more than twenty years ago. Chestnuts are falling again this year, and we have a pretty good batch already. These are a great snack to carry with you, and they gain in sweetness as they age. Chestnuts have to be refrigerated or they will dry out, so you only take with you what you will eat in one day. Susan is famous for her chestnut dressing at Thanksgiving, and I am already looking forward to that treat.


  1. my grandfather used to have chestnuts around his house. do you ever roast them?

  2. We have roasted them, but usually eat them raw. You need a sharp pocketknife to open them. Our deer herd and the squirrels compete with us to pick them up. Deer must have tough noses. I use the toes of my boots to open the burs. We can't go barefoot in our yard.
