Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Weekend Tree Farm Tour

Saturday I participated in a field day hosted by the Illinois Tree Farm committee and the National Wild Turkey Federation. A highlight of the tour was seeing this sawmill that the landowner has for a sideline. Little bandmills like this one are popular with timber growers, but I have resisted the urge. This landowner related his experiences, and his advice was to not buy one to make money. He can do custom cutting all day long and make about $150 dollars. A saw with all the bells and whistles can easily cost $30,000, so you better like cutting for others on Saturdays if you want it to pay for itself.

This little winch gizmo is used for rolling the log; a great hernia preventer! A friend of mine thought he could make money cutting log home kits, and the hernia he earned operating his mill wiped out all the profit he made.

These are some end products from the operation. If you have a creative streak, you can have a great time with a sawmill. You might even make some money if you can find the right products and market them effectively.

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