Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Forest Products Festival!

I looked at the calendar today and noticed that this is Forest Products Week. I really have no idea how we are supposed to celebrate this event, but we already have a couple of tree related posts up, so here's one more.

Our friend Jason J the logger/lumberman is falling a pin oak with the open face method, and I have added titles so you can understand what he is doing. Note that he angles down slightly when he bores through to prevent bypassed wood on the butt log. It is a really slick variation of the open face falling system. Also, please notice how he looks around as he makes his second cut back from the hinge, and before he releases the tree. He is checking on the whereabouts of his partner, who is driving the skidder. He makes a clean escape after he cuts it loose, while I stand there like a dummy taking my pictures. At least I was back over twelve feet, and I was wearing my hard hat.

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