Monday, October 20, 2008

Get Acquainted With Your Model T

Here is your trusty brass Model T Ford.

Under the steering wheel you have the spark control on the left, the throttle on the right, and a horn button below the spark lever.

The black box on the dashboard has the four ignition coils and the switch for Battery/Off/Magneto. The pedals are left to right, Low, Reverse, Brake. The emergency brake is set, and holds the direct drive (High) clutch disengaged. When it is straight up it still holds the direct drive clutch out, but the rear brakes are released. Press the low pedal and open the throttle to accelerate, move the emergency brake forward, let up on the low pedal, and you are in high gear.

Here are more pages from Dyke's reference supplement on the Model T. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. There is lots of good material here, and you might even want to print them and keep them under the front seat with the baling wire and pliers.

Be sure to read about setting your spark before cranking. There won't be a test, but I don't want you getting a broken arm.

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