Thursday, October 2, 2008

Progressing Nicely

Most people think of sugar maple and the bright oranges and reds that species is famous for when they think of fall colors. The sumacs have been putting on a nice show in old fields and edges for the past month, and most folks don't even pay attention to this humble shrub. The leaves yellowing on the left are hackberry, and the tree turning yellow on the right is catalpa. Goldenrod (lower right and left) has been glorious for the past month. Spanish needle is brighter than goldenrod, and it has finished its show already. Dogwood, sassafras, persimmon, blackgum and sweetgum have been putting on a decent show for the last few weeks, and again, most people are not taking notice. A few days ago I saw a white ash that was totally purple, red maples are beginning to turn a deep scarlet this fall, and sugar maple is starting its great exclamation now. Don't go out without your camera.

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