Monday, October 27, 2008

Radial Engine Overload

One of the events we were thrilled by at Old Threshers this year was seeing and hearing these old beauties fly in and out of the Mt. Pleasant airport. They circled the show grounds as they arrived and left, giving us a rare audio-visual treat. With the Ford logo on the first one, I feel pretty safe saying that it is a Ford Tri-Motor, but I don't know this second one. Can the loyal readers help me with this one? UPDATE! Read all about it Here!
Thanks for the link, Danno!


  1. Drool!

    According to the FAA the bottom one is a Stinson SM-6000-B Mf'd in 1931.

    Presently owned by Yellowstone Aviation in Jackson, WY

    Powered by Lycoming R680E's.

  2. More on the Stinson here:
