Saturday, October 11, 2008

Weekend Steam, Continued

 The Mrs. and I had a glorious time at Boonville, Indiana today at the fall steam and gas engine show. We took lots of pictures and video to share with our loyal readers. The fall colors are coming along nicely, so it was a beautiful drive over and back. We had a great time visiting with the exhibitors and watching old machinery operate.

They have a load and a half to thresh tomorrow, and the weather forecast is good, so get to bed early and head out in the morning for Boonville, Indiana!

The Fall Show in 2012 is scheduled for October 12-14.


  1. Thanks for the link. Sorry I missed the Steamfest. . that's not a far drive from me at all. At least I get to enjoy it through the pictures you and your family put together.

  2. You're Welcome! I have been enjoying your site ever since I found it through EngineeringJohnson.
    True Blue
