Monday, November 24, 2008

Over the River and Through the Woods

You all are probably getting ready to hit the road on Wednesday to visit family for Thanksgiving. If your T has been chattering in low gear, or the clutch has been slipping in high gear, you better continue reading the pages from 'Dyke's Ford Supplement.' I don't want your flivver dying on the side of the road.

Cartoon from "Model T Memories" by Floyd Clymer

These pages are jpg images scanned at 100 lines per inch, and you can copy them to your hard drive for future reference. Click on each image to en-biggify, then right click and save picture as. These four pages complete the section on the Model T transmission. The previous posts can be found by clicking on the T's label at the end of the post, or in the label list on the right side of the page.

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