Monday, December 8, 2008

Watchmaker Special

One of my friends from way back is a retired watchmaker who happens to like old cars. What kind of car is best suited to a watchmaker? The American Austin, of course! Forty years ago he restored his first Austin, and I thought it was a beauty. That's my friend in the top photo in his first big restoration job. That car was nice, but it was very rough to start with, and it was a car you would drive to shows. He sold it long ago.

A couple years ago he found a good 'Barn Fresh" Austin and went all out to make it into a showpiece.

The tires were made for motorcycle sidecars.

The motor is rebuilt to tighter specs than when it was new. You could drive across the country in this little beauty, but if it has to move more than a few blocks, it is loaded into a closed trailer.

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