Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gun Blogger Rifle Match

Fight cabin fever by getting out to your range and shoot your targets for the Gun Blogger Rifle Match. Click the link under 'Shoot More,' on the left side of the blog to learn the rules, and to download your target. You can enter in three classes: Kalashnakov/SKS rifles with iron sights at 50 yards; .22 rifles with iron sights at 25 yards; and .22 rifles with a scope at 25 yards. I hadn't fired my SKS in quite some time, so I took it out back today to check the sights. It is centering up 2 1/2 inches high at 25 yards, so with a minor adjustment I will be ready to shoot my 50 yard targets tomorrow.

UPDATE!! Results are in; click to go there!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks truebluesam! Can't wait to get my sks rifles out again. It's been a long winter!!
