Sunday, January 4, 2009

Monday Morning Blues

My grandparents gave me a very nice Bible in 1959. It is a leather bound red letter edition, has maps in the back of Asia and the Holy Land, and lots of religious art throughout the book. This picture of Samson grinding grain in prison always bothered me because I knew that he had been blinded by the Philistines. I never gave a thought to him wearing a loin-cloth.

If you do a search for 'Samson In The Treadmill' on the Internet, this is what you will find. The loin-cloth obviously bothered someone. Prints with this Photo-Shop abomination are for sale on more than one site. OH WELL......Back To The Old Grind.


  1. The coloring in the top photo has almost a Maxfield Parrish quality to it; the retouched version seems much more subdued. -gsc1039

  2. The lower one looks like they took a picture of a faded print, then did an amateurish jof of copying the color of the loin-cloth down. A good re-toucher would have copied part of the cloth, and added it in layers so that it looks like cloth instead of paint.
