Monday, January 26, 2009

The Wind Was Blowing, and Snow Was Falling,

and my SKS has the world's worst trigger, but I had a good time shooting out behind the barn Sunday afternoon. That is my prone target in the photo, which was my best one with the SKS. I ought to take the trigger group to a gunsmith and have it tuned up, but then I would have to come up with another excuse when I miss a shot. The old Winchester 74 makes me look a bit better. This was supposed to be slow fire, but I was cold, so I popped off my ten rounds in under a minute and went back to the house for a cup of coffee. Go to the sidebar and click on the Gun Blogger Rifle Match and do likewise. You have until March 21, so maybe you can pick a day with better weather.

UPDATE!! Results are in; click to go there!


  1. Very cool! Thanks for the info on the rifle match. I will definitely try to find a day to shoot/enter!

  2. Online matches are a good incentive to get out and shoot, and they provide fellowship in the shooting community. The person who first thought of this is a genius!

  3. Not Bad given the equipment!

    I too shot the match this weekend but with much poorer results (36, 0X) prone.

    The trigger definitely needs work. I pulled a bunch off target with the trigger. Sailor Curt (Captain of a crew of one) worked on his and offered his services to others. Not sure if that offer is still on the table.

    Funny, the trigger pull wasn't bad until trying to shoot some competition like this!

  4. My other two targets were not ones to brag about, but I did put all the bullets on paper on the offhand target. I think I have a total of 51 points for sitting and offhand. My mother's father carried the 74 on his tractor for shooting ground squirrels and other varmints. It had a lot of country dirt in the action when I got it. It shoots better than I do.

  5. Them's both nice targets! Can';t go wrong with an old Winchester, they practically shoot themselves into the X-ring.
