Monday, February 16, 2009


We took along some pistols for recreation and serious practice on our trip to see Mom's brother. Mom burnt up over a brick of .22 ammo in her Walther P22 and Ruger Single-Six. This target is 30 shots, each fired by cocking her revolver at a low ready position, bringing the sights onto the target, and firing without hesitation. Every bullet hit in the target. Mom moved up to shooting centerfire during our second range session, shooting .38 special loads in my Ruger Blackhawk. It is quite a bit heavier than a Single-Six, and she can't hold it up for long, so she cocked it at low ready each time, and brought it up to fire, hitting the target every time. All of her shooting was done from 7 yards.

Uncle Chuck's neighbor, Becky came over to practice with us, and she can put us all to shame. This target is 30 rounds from Mom's Walther at 7 yards, and was the first time Becky had fired this pistol.

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