Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wear Your Safety Gear!

I was just looking at the Arborist Site, and there is a new post up about a nasty leg cut. The operator was not wearing chainsaw chaps, and cut into the bone, severing the muscle. The saw was a Stihl 026, which is a "baby saw." What you need to realize about a little saw is that the chain runs just as fast as on a big saw, and the light weight allows these saws to kick back easier and quicker than a big saw. Operators are often at fault for running these small saws with one hand, which is a recipe for disaster if you have a kickback. Click over (here) to see what a chainsaw mistake can do, but be warned that it is a very nasty wound. (Update: You have to be signed in on Arborist Site to view the photo. If you have a chainsaw you should sign up!)

The Injuries and Fatalities forum on the Arborist Site is a good reference to look at once in a while if you are going to be running a saw.


  1. If I could chainsaw in chainmail I would, but it doesn't come in my size.

  2. Chainsaw Chainmail? You should register that as a trademark!

  3. "Click over 'here' to see what a chainsaw mistake can do, but be warned that it is a very nasty wound."

    I guess you have to be registered to get the correct 'here' link. I probably didn't want to see it anyway.

    I was in the service with farm-boy from Kansas. He had nasty purple scar running the length of his thigh. It was depressed so there was a huge chunk of muscle missing. He said he was chainsawing when the saw kicked back into his leg. He then drove 15 miles to the hospital, and by the time he made it there the blood was pooling in the floor. Geez.

  4. It should link right to the photo when you click on the word 'here.' I will sign out of Arborist and see if it still works for me... It comes up OK when I am logged out. If the link in this post does not work for you, go to the ArboristSite link in the left column, scroll on the home page to Arboricultural Injuries and Fatalities. In that list, look for the post titled "What can a little 026 do to your leg? There is another post in the list with some low quality photos of a very nasty wound to a man's face. Chainsaws are serious machines.

  5. I checked again and now it does NOT work unless I sign in. It is easy to create an account there, so if you want to look I guess you will have to sign in.
