Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekend Steam

This week we are visiting another old Iron Men Album magazine for a peek back in time. This old snapshot shows a Reeves traction engine that was used for threshing near Perkins, Iowa. The ladder on the roof might have been used for climbing up to clean the chimneys; I practically get a nose bleed just thinking about climbing up there. I wonder if the old depot is still standing. Have any readers been through Perkins?


  1. From the look of it, I'd say there's not a whole lot of Perkins left.,+Perkins,+IA&sll=43.186827,-96.18571&sspn=0.008558,0.022573&ie=UTF8&ll=43.186748,-96.18571&spn=0.008558,0.022573&z=16

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  3. TrueBlueSam said...
    I brought up an aerial photo, and Perkins is a sad case. The sidings are gone along the main line, and there is no sign of the depot. The major landmark in Perkins appears to be a junkyard.
