Wednesday, May 13, 2009

April e-Postal Results Are Up!

Click Here to go over to the Conservative UAW Guy's blog to see the scores and stimulating narrative for the April contest. Billl, of Billlls Idle Mind was declared the overall winner of the event because of his moxie and superior engineering skills. You all will be amazed at the artillery he used to shoot his targets! I had not looked at Billll's blog before, and I will be adding him to the blog roll on the left. It is a pretty neat site.

These online shooting contests are open to anyone who can shoot the targets, scan them, and e-mail them, but the participation is light. Don't sit on the sidelines and let the usual crew have all the fun; take the family to a shooting range and get into the game! The contests are fun, and we all need the practice. Go to the 'Get Out and Shoot!' heading in the left sidebar and click on the May e-Postal contest to print your targets and read the rules.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link. I rashly promised Say Uncle that the next gun-related post would involve gunpowder. Do words like "punt gun" or "blunderbuss" raise your antennae?
