Monday, May 25, 2009

Time's A-Wasting: Get To The Range!

You have until midnight to submit your e-Postal targets to Manfred, and don't forget to figure in the time zones. I shot my targets yesterday between rain showers, and you should have no trouble beating my scores!
I clicked the rear sight up one for the first five shots, which all threw too high, and I clicked it back down for the remainder, which saved my bacon.

I shoot my little single action better than I do the Smith and Wesson, but this wasn't too bad.

I banged off five, checked the target, and found that I was throwing far left at twenty-five yards. It was about to get dark, and I didn't have time to start over with both targets, so I held between the club and the right side to shoot the second five shots. I managed to touch the circle three times. Now, go show me up!

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