Monday, June 1, 2009

Chirp, Chirp

If you drive a modern car you have a serpentine belt up front that is running accessories like the water pump, alternator, air conditioning, and power steering. I really like the convenience of the modern belt because I remember replacing and adjusting multiple V-belts not-so-many years ago. The only problem I have with the new belts are the annoying chirps that come from the idler pulleys. They always seem to have grease in the bearing when I check them, but squeaky bearings make me nervous, so I have to check if they chirp and I haven't greased them recently.

Removing and servicing the idlers is not too difficult. Our Ford has an idler arm that can be moved with a 3/8 ratchet to remove the belt; the Chevy we had previously required a big set of Channellocks to move the arm back. One bolt holds each bearing/pulley assembly in place. The Ford's pulleys are both held by right-hand threaded bolts; the Chevy had one bolt that was left-handed. Take the pulleys off, tease the seal off the back side with a suitable tool, (pocket knife works for me) and work some fresh grease into the bearing with your fingers, or suitable applicator. Press the seals back into place, and reassemble what you have taken apart. Your idlers should be silent when you crank up again. If you are lucky they will be quiet for several months.

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