Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Old Cars At Evansville

Antique Cars At Evansville's SIAM Club Show
Uploaded by TrueBlueSam. - Car, truck, and motorcycle videos.

YouTube was down for maintenance, so I uploaded a slide and video show to DailyMotion to see how it performs. These old cars are pretty neat, and my big disappointment in taking photos was the blue Model T with the Frontenac head. I ran out of space on my SD card as he pulled up to the line to make a run, so I don't have video of the neatest hot-rod at the show. Other cars were making the run at about 28 to 30 miles per hour, but the Frontenac T came across the line at 40. Pretty Impressive. I read about this Model T conversion 40 some years ago, but this is the first one I have seen. The black, bare-frame T was recently assembled. The owner of that car found a set of solid Chevy wheels and had the machine work done to use Model T hubs with them. He will probably have a body on this car for next year's show.

UPDATE: This video is also available on YouTube now; Click Here.

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