Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekend Steam: Good News, Bad News, Good News

Video by EverywhereWest

Video by SteamAirMan

There is some news about Old Threshers at Mt. Pleasant,Iowa that travelers need to know this year. Veterans can go on the grounds for half price on Thursday, September 3, the first day of the annual show. This deal is available only for a one day pass. The bad news is that the two locomotives that do most of the work hauling passengers are down for maintenance. Number 6, the Baldwin Mogul engine has been disassembled, and the boiler has been sent off to have the stay bolts replaced. Number 9, the Shay from West Side Lumber is also down for some major maintenance. The Henschel engine will be packing most of the load, and a diesel switcher will be picking up the slack, so the trains will still be running to move the fans from one end of the grounds to another. The next good news is that veterans will ride FREE! on the train on the first day of the show. This is a great deal for vets who tire out, or who just want to ride and relax. Start planning for your trip to Mt. Pleasant.

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