Saturday, July 4, 2009

Weekend Steam

This week we have a photo from the Burlington, Iowa waterfront, probably shot sometime prior to 1920. My Aunt Bessye was born in 1892, and I always enjoy seeing what she saw in the Burlington area when she was a young woman. I am also getting to meet relatives I have heard about, but never met. I Googled this boat, but had no luck finding information about it on the Internet. If anyone knows some history on the Excursion Queen out of St. Paul, please write in the comments.


  1. Have a wonderful holiday!

    word verification "antim".

    Where's Toto??

  2. And a Glorious Fourth to you! Toto's not here, but Otto (see pets) has come to visit for the holiday. Keep your firecrackers dry! It has been raining in So. IL since before midnight.

  3. Sam, I have just begun doing some research on the Excursion Queen out of St. Paul because it steamed the waters of the Ohio in my area also. Be glad to share anything I find. Just contact me at

    What started me out was a grainy photo that someone donated to the society.

