Thursday, September 24, 2009

Could You Make This Shot.....With A Pistol?

September is winding down and next Wednesday night is the deadline to submit your targets for Mr. Completely's contest. If you haven't shot your entry yet, CLICK HERE, or on the squirrel in the left sidebar to go to the rules and to download your target. This month you get to use an improvised rest to shoot your target, and compare how well you shoot offhand to how well you can shoot when you steady your arms. Pistol contestants will shoot two targets, one at 25 feet offhand, and one at 50 feet with an improvised rest. You may also enter in the Rifle Category by shooting one target at 25 yards with an improvised rest for your rifle.

Print out a stack of targets and take some friends with you. Do you know a youngster who would like to shoot? Take him/her to the range and turn a shooting lesson into an adventure. Set aside some time this weekend; you know you need the practice, and it's fun.

No squirrels were harmed in the making of this target.

UPDATE!!!!! The contest is extended through the first weekend of October! Get Out And Shoot!

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