Monday, September 21, 2009


This is a sight that will gladden the heart of any shooter/gun lover. It is a shooting bench at the Washoe Shooting Range during the Gun Blogger Rendezvous IV, arranged by Gun Blogger Extraordinaire, Mr. Completely. This collection has single action revolvers in .22 LR and .22 Mag, .45 ACP and .45Colt, .44Magnum, a single shot TC Contender in .222 Remington, plus semi-autos in .22, .380 ACP, and .45 ACP!
This photo is from The Packing Rat's blog, where you can see photos from all four days of the GBR IV (Click on 'Readthe Rest of This Entry' on the posts for 'GBR Days 1-4' on The Packing Rat's blog), which raised $8243.80 to benefit wounded service men and women. It is a great annual event, and a great bunch of people who go to GBR. Visit the Mr. Completely, The Packing Rat, Anthroblogogy, Ride Fast and Shoot Straight, Traction Control, Say Uncle, and Snowflakes to learn more! These sites and other gun bloggers are all listed in left column.

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