Thursday, September 17, 2009

Opportunity Knocks

This little patch of woods has lots of possibility for the future. The overstory is about 1/3 red maple and cherry, which will make decent crop trees, but the rest of the overstory is controlled by sassafrasses and other low value, low quality trees like the ones you see in the background. Luckily, the understory is well populated by oak sprouts (foreground). All the landowner needs to do is a simple timber stand improvement job to release his oaks, and in a few years he will have a forest to be proud of.


  1. That looks like my front flowerbed before I took to it with a hacksaw.

    Seriously, that will be VERY pretty.

  2. That reminds me of the preacher who told the hardworking gardener/homeowner," It's amazing how beautiful the Lord made this place!" The homeowner answered," You should have seen this place before the Lord had my help here!"
