Saturday, September 26, 2009

Weekend Steam

This Wood Brothers engine is literally one of a kind. Most of this engine was found in a sawmill, but the wheels and some other parts were missing. The missing parts are from scraps of other engines, and this big double geared plowing machine is truly a unique treasure.

At some steam shows you will see operators put engines through their paces by hooking onto a tractor pulling sled. I always cringe when I see this, because these engines are all at least 80 years old, and the sled will stress them to the max. I saw this Wood Brothers engine hooked up and pulling one day at Old Threshers, and as the travelling weight maxed out the pull, something failed in the drive-train, and the engine revved up too fast and stopped. I took a look at it later, and the reversing gear failed when the engine revved. The operators were lucky that these parts failed before the flywheel exploded. I think that new parts can be fabricated, and I bet that this engine won't be tested on a pulling sled again.

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