Monday, October 5, 2009

"Well...It Used To Be."

One of my neighbors stopped by to look at our barn a couple years ago while I was doing some patch work on it. He was an older farmer, and was retired. He looked our barn over pretty well, and remarked that there weren't very many barns like it anymore, then he announced that his barn was a much better barn than ours. He paused a few seconds and then said, "Well, it used to be." I had been watching the weather, gravity, and termites crumble his barn for many years, and of course, he was remembering how it was when he farmed as a young man. He died recently, and Mrs. TBS went to his estate sale to take pictures. She took this shot of his old barn for me to remember him by. We put in several hours on our barn again this past weekend, and we have concluded that lifting an old barn away from the termites is about like fighting off a zombie attack. We are going to win, though.

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