Monday, November 16, 2009

Hometown Visit

I stopped in to see my brother Chester while I was in Iowa to visit Mom. Chester is quite a craftsman, and can do all kinds of jewelry repair and construction. If I have to build or repair anything, I first look for ways to utilize a chainsaw in the process, so the skills my brother has are way out of my league. He showed me one of his torches: it has a TINY ruby tip, with a microscopic orifice, and the flame it produces is much smaller than a match flame. He does fine work.

Chester and his wife have built a thriving business, and he typically works at his bench six days per week. His motto is, "If you bought your jewelry from someone else, you paid too much!" Mom and I would have liked to stay and visit all day, but my little brother needed to get back to weighing his diamonds.

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