Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Apple Butter Party

Back in November, the next-door neighbors had their second annual apple butter get-together for friends and neighbors. It was an all day event that began with peeling,

Then, cooking in a copper kettle over an open fire.

Mrs. TBS took her turn stirring.

The Master of Ceremonies demonstrates how you check the consistency of apple butter.

Jars were filled,
and divided up among all the participants. Mrs. TBS pressure-cooked them after she got home, so they will keep. I feel a bit Plutocratic every morning with this delicacy on my toast.

1 comment:

  1. Those look like my grandma's. I dried all the apples this year, half with cinnamon, and my wife gave most of them away for Christmas. Nearly 100lbs *poof* just that quick. Lots of smiles though.
