Sunday, December 13, 2009


Mrs. TBS and I had important business up north this week, going up early one day, and returning the next. We were very lucky and were followed north by a southernly flow of warm air that held the blizzard off of Chicago until we exited stage south. EJ took us to a great pizzeria in LaGrange while we were visiting.

EJ has set up housekeeping in a new-to-him bungalow in one of the Chicago 'burbs. You will recognize the aluminum Christmas tree if you have listened to our Hoosier Hot Shots record that is down the page. That is his Columbia phonograph on the left end of the walnut table.

"Well, Old Man, do you know what this is?" I didn't.

"It's a record caddy, for your kind of records!" I must be slipping.
GSC asked about the woodwork in the bungalow in his comment. It is a charming home that has been altered very little since 1916 when it was built.


  1. Hey, very nice blog you've got here! If you have time, drop by my site! Stihl Chain Saws

  2. Great photos of all of you!

    E. J.'s dwelling looks like it might be an architectural delight if the visible wood flooring and window frames are any indication...any built-in cabinetry, etc?


  3. Dear gsc: This house has been in one family since 1918, and the lady who just moved out grew up here. The kitchen was remodeled in the 1930's, and there is a very nice Round Oak gas cookstove from around 1935. Of course EJ does have lots of projects ahead of him, but it is a nice solid house.

  4. Chainsaw: Are you going to post about safety, products, cutting techniques, and etc.?

  5. Oh, man! That last photo says it all! What a fantastic find! I couldn't be any more envious...

