Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The BEST Flatwater Canoe Trip In The Country

It's not too early to begin planning if you want to take the best family canoe vacation in all of the US. The Green River in Utah, from just below the town of Green River to the confluence with the Colorado is over 100 miles of secluded desert relaxation and beautiful scenery. You will need to make some calls to arrange for an outfitter, and pick up a river guide book to begin your orientation.

The Belknap guide to the Canyonlands is a waterproof book with large scale maps that will help you keep track of where you are, and the miles you travel each day.
Your outfitter will probably put you in at Crystal Geyser, five miles below the town of Green River, and before you know it, you will be running into sandstone scenery like this.
You will want to make this trip last ten days to really get relaxed, so when you start out you will be carrying lots of water in the bottom of your canoes. Food and camping gear should be in waterproof containers in case you have a spill, but that hasn't happened in our group in two separate trips. There are only a few places on the entire trip where you will see a riffle in the water.

You should plan each day on the river so you begin and end early. It is common for winds to kick up in the desert in the middle of the day, and the wind can make paddling difficult. A few of the camping spots are difficult to tie up and unload in, so it is best to arrive early and have plenty of time to set up for the evening.
The scenery cannot be beat.

EJ began paddling his own canoe on river trips when he was eleven years old.
He has turned out to be a real travelin' man.

The view from Horse Bottom at sunset, looking upstream.

Butte of the Cross; actually two buttes.

Exploring around Turk's Head

After your week or two floating down the Green River, your outfitter will meet you at the confluence and jet-boat you back to Moab on the Colorado. We have used Tex's Riverways to put us in and bring us back two times, and have had very good service. There are other outfitters in Moab, and I am sure if you do an internet search you can find them. Tex's website has lots of information to help you plan your trip, and you should start planning now if you want to go this summer.


  1. Thinking about doing a part of this trip with the family. If could only do Ruby Ranch-to-Mineral Bottom or Mineral Bottom-to-Confluence/Spanish Bottom....which would you recommend for best scenery and other exploration?

  2. My vote would be for Mineral Bottom to Spanish Bottom. You will miss Trin Alcove, Hey Joe Canyon, Horseshoe Canyon,and Bowknot Bend. You will see Saddle Horse Bottom, Tent Bottom, Anderson Bottom, and Turk's Head. If the water is up when you go you may see a BIG whirlpool in the bend at mile 9 1/2. Stay to the right and it is no problem. You will do 53 miles to the confluence, and it is all easy if you go early and don't get caught in afternoon winds. Call Tex and ask their opinion, too, because I was last there in 1998.

    Get your permits for the Canyonlands portion, a river guide book and all your gear and food. Best trip you will ever take!
