Monday, January 4, 2010

Hart-Parr 30-60

Last fall I was looking at timber on some land on the Wabash River bluffs in Lawrence County, Illinois. The farm had quite a few interesting old pieces of machinery quietly rusting away, but I didn't have the opportunity to stop and inspect any of it. As we were passing an old shed, the owner asked me if I could guess what it was built for, and of course I had no clue. "A 30-60 Hart-Parr!" she proudly announced. Her ancestors had purchased the tractor in the early Twentieth Century to use for plowing, but sold it after a few years because it did not work well in their soils. The tractor spent the rest of its life working in a sand operation along the Wabash, and I am sure it was scrapped long ago. The lady did still have a photo, (Above) and a catalog from the Hart-Parr company. I didn't have my scanner with me in the truck, but I did have my camera, so I gleefully photographed each page. I will be sharing the Hart-Parr catalog with you in the weeks ahead. There are over forty pages, and every one is a treat, so stay tuned. Here is a sample; click to enlarge.



  1. This is awesome. It sure must have been something firing one of those up.

    You know, it kind of reminds me of the book "Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel"

  2. I have never seen one of these Hart-Parrs run; they are more rare that Oil Pull Tractors. Here is one of them on YouTube:
