Sunday, January 17, 2010

Here It Comes Again!

Back To The Old Grind!


  1. This may seem like an elementary question, but I have always wondered about the fact that, in setups like this, sometimes the belts are crossed and sometimes they aren't. Is it just a matter of achieving the desired direction of rotation for the driven item, or is it something to do with the belt's stability as it rides on the pulleys of both the driving and driven machines?


  2. A crossed belt runs better. Steam traction engines can be run in either direction, and most setups have the belt crossed, but occasionally you will see and uncrossed belt as in this video at Boonville, IN: (October 3, 2009 post) The uncrossed belt really does a dance when it is not pulling a load. Space constraints have them using a short belt, and they don't cross it because it would bring the engine in too close for the offbearer.
