Wednesday, January 13, 2010

That's More Like It!

It occurred to me that I have posted a couple pictures in recent months of beat up WC Allis-Chalmers tractors that were badly in need of restoration. This WC was on display last summer at the Evansville SIAM show, and it is a good example of how a tractor should look.

They do clean up nice.


  1. Man, that's sweet. Looks like someone put a ton of work into it.

  2. One of the nice things about tractor collecting is that you can do it as a hobby with a less than perfect restoration and no-one gives you a hard time about it. Do that with a classic car and you might get hate mail. You will see lots of tractors restored to better than new condition also, and they are wonderful to look at, but I would be afraid to drive it. My C's and WD's are definitely hobby level and can be used for pulling the firewood cart.
