Sunday, March 7, 2010


Aspect is one of the first lessons discussed in forest ecology courses, and field foresters see the influence of aspect on a daily basis. Aspect is simply, the direction a slope faces. The snow on the maple branch above illustrates how quickly the environment changes from the south facing slope to the north facing slope. The direction a slope faces influences the type of timber, the growth rates, plus fuel types and fire behavior.

Forest site types change with soil type, slope position, and aspect. It is common to find red oak-white oak forest growing on the north and east sides of a hill in southern Illinois, and on the opposite side of the hill, with the same soil type you will find post oak and black oak growing as the dominant species. You will find differences just as dramatic in fire fighting. It is common to have hot fire conditions on the south and west sides of a hill when forest litter will not carry a fire at all on the north side.

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