Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time For New Jackets!

The Mrs. and I were invited to the annual FFA banquet in Cisne last week, and we were surprised with an honorary FFA degree for promoting forestry education with the agriculture students in our area. This will be a great wall-hanger, and now we can wear those sharp looking blue jackets with the corncob, plow, and owl.

Many years ago we took some high school students from McLeansboro to a forest soils conference in Kentucky. One of the students was a senior girl who was all set to go into forestry when she entered college. At the conference our students met forestry students from the University of Kentucky, and they were a bit on the rough side. On our return trip to Illinois the girl announced that "I'm not like those people." She ditched her forestry plans and went into Pre-Med, and now she is a reconstructive surgeon. You never know how your work will pay off.

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