Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pay Now, Or Pay Later

I have been recommending for several years that this black oak be removed ASAP, but it never happened. It had a major opening where another tree had grown against it, plus there was root damage from lawnmower injuries. This tree had no permanent targets, but it was in a high traffic area for pedestrians. Luckily, it came down over the weekend during a storm and no one was beneath it to be hurt.

Right next to it is this shingle oak, which also has rotting roots from lawnmower hits, and advanced rot in the trunk which is obvious due to the conk growing out its northeast side. Tapping on the tree with an axe produces the drumlike sound that only rotten and hollow trees can make. This tree leans toward a power line, and a road which carries moderate traffic. I am recommending that this tree be removed. I will be keeping an eye on it, but I won't be holding my breath.

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