Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekend Steam: Number 6 Update

Regular readers may recall that the Number 6 Mogul engine at the Midwest Central Railroad had staybolt problems, and the boiler was removed and sent to a boiler maker in Minnesota for repairs. The 6 was out of commission last year at the Labor Day Old Threshers show, but there is hope that it will be running again for the next reunion. The boiler has come home now, and the dedicated volunteers in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa have begun the process of reassembling the beloved locomotive. Click here to visit the MCRR Blog for the whole story. The top photo is borrowed from the railroad's blog.

This photo is a publicity shot the Midwest Central used in the mid-1960's.

Number 6 underwent a complete restoration in 1987, and I took this mug-shot of her the day she returned to service during the Labor Day weekend show that year.

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