Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekend Steam: Say It Isn't So!

Bayou Renaissance Man posted shocking news this week about one of our nation's historical treasures; Admiral Dewey's flagship Olympia. Our oldest all metal warship is in serious need of repair to keep it afloat, and the officials in charge of this important artifact are promoting the idea of sinking it so it can be utilized as a recreational resource for divers. Unbelievable!

Mrs. TBS and I visited the Olympia ten years ago on a trip to Philadelphia, and this ship was one of the highlights of our vacation.

Visitors to the Olympia may stand at the very spot where Dewey spoke the immortal words:
"You may fire when ready, Gridley."

Most of the guns on the Olympia are replacements since the ship fought in 1898, but are still important military artifacts.

Visitors to the Olympia will find many fascinating historical tidbits to admire.

This commemmorative tablet was cast from metal salvaged from the Maine after it sank at Havana. It is a priceless treasure from the time that America emerged as a world power.
Click over to to take a virtual tour of the Olympia, and be sure to look down on the starboard engine, (Two of the three cylinder heads are visible.) and visit the engine room.

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