Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Did You Do?

The June e-postal requires a fine eye and an extra steady hand. I shot a few targets and could only make a couple shots before I blew it, then finally made three good shots before I hit the wrong ball. You can probably do better! Random Nuclear Strikes will accept your June target through Saturday, so run out to the range tonight if you haven't shot the contest already. Remember, Cheaper Than Dirt will award a $50 gift certificate to some lucky shooter, regardless of shooting ability.

1 comment:

  1. Not too sure... the scoring threw me a bit. I read the rules and shot what I though, but then came home and reread the rules and came to a different understanding. But the targets are in just the same with a request to RNS to properly score the targets.

    (Class 1 score: 0, 1 or 4;
    Class 3 score: 0 or 1).

    [wv: immess. That assertion is true]
