Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quantifying A Good Time

Just how much fun was Gun Blogger Rendezvous V?  It's hard to place a value on good times, but I think we found a way to put a number on it.

We did lots of shooting, of course.

We got to admire the hardware that others brought, and tried out some guns that were new to us.

We made a lot of new friends...and shared some good meals.!

But when we got home we found a way to put a value on it that any shooter can understand.  Because we traveled by airline, we had to weigh our ammo before we flew out of Cedar Rapids.  We re-weighed when we unpacked, and found that we had launched 8 1/2 pounds of lead downrange on our trip!  Sounds like a very good time, indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Glad you enjoyed your first Rendezvous, hope to see you there next year.
