Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Drys Are At It Again

I saw in the news that the do-gooders are saying bad things about alcohol again.  Do-gooders are either wanting you to do everything their way, or they are looking for excuses to tax you so they can spread your money to others more deserving than you.  I am guessing that taxes are the driving force behind the latest reports.  Of course, the researchers will need more government grants to do studies so they can make recommendations...it's almost like global warming.  Anyway, when I saw the news hacks comparing alcohol to the hardest of illicit drugs, I was reminded of one of my favorite poems.

The horse and mule, live 30 years, and know nothing of Wines and Beers…
The goat and sheep, at 20 die, and never taste of Scotch and Rye…
The cow drinks water by the ton, and at 18, is mostly done…
The dog at 15, cashes in, without the aid of Rum and Gin…
The cat in milk and water soaks, and then in 12 short years, he croaks…
The modest, sober, bone-dry hen, lays eggs for nogs, then dies at 10…
All animals are strictly dry, they sinless live, and swiftly die…
But sinful, ginful, rum-soaked men, survive for three score years and ten…

And some of us, tho' mighty few, stay sozzled till we’re 92!

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