Monday, November 29, 2010

Ruger's "History of the Gun," Parts 3, 4, and 5

These three videos from RugerFirearms fit very well together and bring firearms up through the muzzleloading era.  I am old enough that during grade school, my teachers read stories to us of people using muzzleloading firearms, with descriptions good enough that you could have gone out and shot one if you had never seen one before.  I can remember one teacher reading to us from Laura Ingalls' books about Pa casting bullets at the fireplace in their cabin because he thought that Indians might attack them.  I don't think teachers are reading stories like these to kids today, if they take the time to read at all in the classroom.  I was lucky; I had four teachers during my grade school years that read every day to the class, and that greatly increased my desire to read books myself...and to shoot muzzleloaders.  Thank You, Ruger, for posting these great videos!

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