Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Carmi Rifle Club LadySeed Highlight

Dawn is one of the coordinators at the Carmi Rifle Club, and we shoot with her regularly at the weekly Pistol League evenings.  She was able to attend the annual LadySeed event on Sunday, and she earned the coveted Rifleman Patch.  She even scored higher than the required 210 points! I think everyone was just as thrilled as she was.


Every shooter made improvements from the intense workout, and we plan to attend another Illinois Appleseed event in October.  Check out the groups Dawn was putting on paper!  You can tell she has been practicing, and it paid off.  Congratulations, Dawn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this part of the Appleseed project, or maybe unofficial and based on it? I have not heard of this one before.
