Thursday, November 12, 2015

Game Camera Fun

We are enjoying the pictures we get from the game cameras. We set one to shoot video and this is some of the action we are seeing.


  1. Looks like an 8 point to me.


  2. What's the brand and model of your game camera? I need to get one and yours seems to take good pictures.

  3. It's a Primos Work Horse, model 63310. It has a little red light that shows when it sense motion, so it is not good as a security camera, but many other models do not have that feature. The deer don't seem to mind. Check out the features on sites like Cabelas, MidwayUSA, Rural King, etc., and figure out what you want. Then buy the one on sale with the features you want. Same goes for pocket cameras, and scopes for your rifle. There are many good products out there. Thanks for visiting this little blog!
